We are constantly striving to reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible. However, there are some emissions that cannot be avoided. Franziska von Lewinski firmly believes that Klim, a start-up committed to promoting regenerative agriculture, is the right partner for the SYZYGY GROUP.

Ms von Lewinski, why did you choose Klim as a partner?
Many companies buy conventional climate certificates to offset the carbon emissions they produce. We likewise want to have a green footprint, so we sought a partner that has a digital offering and also operates on a regional level. Klim ticked all the right boxes.
Why is the digital background important to you?
As a service provider in the digital industry, we know how essential digital contact points are to trigger emotions and bring about positive change. We make use of them for our clients, enabling them in turn to build long-lasting relationships with their customers. We were immediately won over by the digital applications that the agritech platform uses and which farmers can benefit from as they transition to regenerative agriculture.
And the regional connection?
Our employees need to be able to identify with our sustainability goals. I believe engagement is strengthened by having a regional connection, which also promotes a shared commitment to climate protection in our region. More than 3,000 farmers across Germany have now switched to regenerative agriculture with Klim. This means there are such farms close to the cities in which we live and work.
What is special about regenerative agriculture with Klim?
We believe this type of agriculture is the future. Decarbonisation involves removing CO₂ from the atmosphere and storing it in the soil. That benefits our planet, farmers and ultimately all of us. The start-up’s goals are to positively transform the system and work with the entire value chain, which includes food producers, retailers and consumers.
What does offsetting the carbon footprint mean in numbers?
We are committed to our sustainability agenda and are paying a significant five-figure amount to offset the Group’s emissions of 1,100 tonnes of CO₂ in 2023. In doing so, we are supporting regenerative agriculture in Germany. In the future, we also envisage doing this in other countries where we operate.
The greater the number of companies that incorporate our approach into their climate strategy, the more regenerative measures our farmers can apply and the more CO₂ can be stored in the soil.”
Nina MannheimerCo-Gründerin, Klim