
Global roll-out with virtual teams

Our role

Product & Web Development

The pandemic changed the way millions of people work: no travel, no client meetings, no project team meetings. Despite this backdrop, SYZYGY was able to roll out the new multi-market web platform for its client Kyocera from Europe into the American markets – entirely using virtual teams. Standardised web platforms are an important tool for global companies for three reasons: they create a consistent brand experience for customers worldwide, boost the efficiency of systems, and deliver significant cost savings. We developed, implemented and are now operating an ecosystem of this type for Kyocera Document Solutions which has already replaced the former infrastructure in 23 European markets. During the roll-out in America, the pandemic forced us to change how we work. The aim was to ensure roll-out of the new platform in the US could continue without any quality impact despite the disruption caused by COVID-19.

We quickly switched our cross-border project teams to a completely virtual set-up that removed the need for travel.

In line with our “Build Once, Deploy Many” approach, we are currently implementing and customising the new client-centric ecosystem in the US, based on the Adobe Experience Managers CMS solution (AEM 6). This process also involves integrating our client’s existing content and technologies, such as product information management (PIM), authentication protocols (LDAP) and Salesforce for sales and marketing automation. The objective is to align the user experience, content management processes, personalisation and lead generation with the new global standard.

The roll-out will be successfully completed in the US in 2021, with other markets in North and South America due to follow. Kyocera will benefit from significant advantages in terms of efficiency and effectiveness across continents going forward.

Our services included:

  • Product, service & digital strategy
  • Content & personalisation strategy
  • Technology & data strategy
  • Process & functional design
  • UX & design
  • Content development
  • Technical architecture
  • Software development
  • Managed cloud hosting
  • Corporate IT integration
  • Roll-out management

Let’s get in touch
SYZYGY Warschau Michał Łukawski
Sales Executive
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