
Our evolution in the age of artificial general intelligence

March 12, 2024

We live in fascinating times. Technology is making such rapid progress that we can now exist in a number of different parallel realities. Artificial intelligence (AI) and artificial general intelligence (AGI) are playing a significant role in all of this. As things stand at present, they appear to be the most important achievement since the invention of the wheel – and will change how we live. 

Why is that, you might ask?

Boosted by the Internet, AI is already having an impact on every aspect of our lives. But to fully grasp the current and future trajectory of this fast-paced technological progress, our intellect needs to comprehend it. Only then can we get a proper idea of what the near future holds for us. Technological transformation is taking place in a matter of days, rather than months or years: this evolution is happening before our very eyes. 

Artificial general intelligence is learning to think for itself

While AI is designed for finding solutions to specific problems, the aim is to train AGI so that it is at least as intelligent as humans. AGI replicates human cognitive abilities in software, such that it can find solutions to unknown tasks. The technology is developing so rapidly that we even have a problem coming up with decent definitions. 

The development of AI is likely to lead to the achievement of artificial general intelligence. We should start considering the implications and consequences now.

Bartek Rozbicki, Group XR Director

Evolution through technology

AI is fundamentally different from previous technologies. This is the first time in our history that we are working on and with something that we don’t fully understand and over which we have little control. The challenge we will face is how we can communicate and cooperate with a self-aware AI that is much more intelligent than we are in terms of our understanding of the world, processes and reality.

This changes everything

AI is already having a far-reaching impact on our lives. It is not only involved in compiling recommendations for our entertainment needs, but has also spread to creative content and musical composition, right through to writing articles. In agriculture, AI-controlled drones optimise plant health and enhance efficiency. In healthcare, AI can analyse genetic data to prescribe personalised medication. In space exploration, it provides support for autonomous rovers on Mars and is helping to study the universe. 

This lightning-fast progress is producing a technology-induced state of shock, making it difficult to keep abreast of the constant stream of new developments – especially in view of the potential for achieving AGI. 

Who will win?



It’s hardly surprising that the major tech companies, such as OpenAI, Microsoft, Meta and Google, are competing so fiercely to develop the perfect AI. After all, whoever wins the contest will secure a competitive advantage over everyone else and then be able to position themselves accordingly in the market.

What we can expect then…

Artificial general intelligence has both positive and negative attributes. The human race itself is not a selfless species. Over the course of time, it has exploited Earth and wiped out weaker species of animals and plants. The possibility that a higher intelligence, such as AGI, could gain a better understanding of the world raises the question as to whether we would find it wiser to let ourselves take decisions of our own free will, or whether AI should make decisions for our own good. 

There are thus two possible scenarios: 

  1. AGI will cooperate with us at the level of our comprehension and support our development as a species, while we will probably not understand its underlying intentions.
  2. AGI is not interested in our development and well-being, and will do everything it can to change the rules and bring our behaviour into line with better standards.

We need to define the future course

The crucial factor in the development of artificial general intelligence will be how we communicate with an entity that is many times more intelligent than us, and how to formalise our thoughts – and on top of that, how to take into consideration complex human goals and possible barriers to expressing our needs.

The future is in our hands

Whether we like it or not, the future of all of us is inextricably linked to this technology. We should therefore monitor it closely and take an interest in how it is regulated. In other words, we are the ones who must decide what we use AI for. 

When a certain point is reached, the technology will determine its own direction, resulting in enormous change for all of us. 

Definition of artificial general intelligence


Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is the hypothetical intelligence of a computer program that has the ability to understand or learn any intellectual task that a human could do. An alternative definition describes AGI as a highly autonomous AI system that outperforms human capabilities when solving most intellectual tasks of economic significance.

Let’s talk about extended reality.
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