The digital industry is a great place to adapt the demands of the current world. The nature of digital work means that many tasks can be performed remotely, making it possible to accommodate different lifestyles and responsibilities. By embracing diversity and offering flexible work options, the digital industry can attract and retain a diverse talent pool.
This inclusive approach creates opportunities for people who need to prioritize caring for their loved ones or pursuing personal interests while still achieving career success.
As a child-free woman in a digital world, I’m no longer limited to the traditional 5 weeks of holiday allowance per year. I can get my work done early in the morning and go to the beach or explore a city in the afternoon while abroad, extending my trip and allowing me to get to know a new place much better.
Kristina BobovnickaAccount Director, SYZYGY London
It also provides a unique opportunity to support working parents, particularly mothers and fathers, enabling them to balance their work and family responsibilities, leading to better job satisfaction and overall well-being. Like for Anna Smaglo (Finance Director, SYZYGY London) – “Flexible working arrangements gave me a great opportunity to fulfil all my life ambitions: to be a mum who puts on a table a home cooked, assists my kids in their homework and attends some football training sessions, at the same time has an exciting career path and a bit of self-time , be it very early in the morning!”
The tech and digital sectors are increasingly open, accommodating, and tolerant. From Anna’s Dolling perspective (Directors Operations, SYZYGY Performance) “the industry is constantly evolving and thus always offers new opportunities. I particularly like the fact that flexible working-time models are both for women – and for men! – and that it is possible to reconcile the roles of parent and leader.” However, let’s not hide the fact that the problem still exists, and we need to educate ourselves, our surroundings and not avoid uncomfortable topics. “The pregnancy, parenting and maternity leave are still a taboo subject and the fact that we still equate women with ‘the main caretakers of children’ should change” –Piotr Mieszczak mentioned.
Parents in Germany can take a full 14 months (instead of 12 months) of paid parental leave if one of them takes over at least two months of it or if the parent taking care of the child is a single parent – and this is usually at 65 percent of the previous salary.
Nevertheless more and more men are taking paid parental leave – it is still “only” ten percent and the majority of them only for a maximum of two months.
Parental leave, part-time work or flexible time for the family. The digital industry is a pioneer here – but we are nowhere near the point where shared responsibility for raising children is reflected in an equal distribution of part-time work. We still need a mind-shift.
Benjamin RingwaldExecutive Creative Director, SYZYGY Germany
We – the SYZYG GROUP – want to be a company where everyone feels welcome and want to create equal opportunities for all. This means that not everyone gets to pick an apple, but that the smaller one gets a ladder. Therefore, we are committed to creating an inclusive and flexible work environment where all employees can reach their full potential. We have achieved gender pay equality and strive to maintain gender balance in our recruitment process, selecting the best candidate for each position regardless of gender. Additionally, we conduct an annual survey across the SYZYGY Group to assess how our employees feel about our diversity vision and to gauge our progress towards achieving it. We acknowledge that our journey towards diversity and inclusion is ongoing and never truly ends.
We’ve raised awareness and sensitivity towards equality, but equal opportunities only happen with investment in infrastructure and resources. Putting the money where the mouth is, should be our focus in the coming years.
Felix SchröderManaging Director SYZYGY Germany